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Access Denied

We apologise that we seem to have encountered an error that prevented us from completing the action.

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Please try again in a while, or contact our TradeNet helpdesk. If you are contacting our helpdesk, please provide them with the following details which will help us to troubleshoot the issue:

Error Event: Singpass Login Access Denied.
Date and Time of Error: Singapore Time

Your request to access the system has been denied. This could be due to any of the following reasons:

  1. Your session has expired due to no activity done for a long time.
  2. Your request was not able to establish a connection with Singpass.
  3. Your login Singpass ID is not authorised to use this eService.
  4. You have tried to access the application via bookmark without having to log-in with SingPass.
  5. For Declarant Confirmation, your login Singpass ID did not match the ID in your record or your information has already been confirmed.

You may also wish to reach out to the TradeNet® team at